Mediumship Events

  • 2nd September  Tree of life Centre: “ Dine with Spirit Italian Job” ( includes Italian meal)  7-9.30pm – Readings for up to 6 people


Daniela was aware of seeing Spirits around her since the age of 4 and went on to experience Life after Death with an NDE (Near Death Experience) during an operation aged 8 year old.

Born in Italy, Daniela moved to London (UK) IN 1992 to finish her studies at Hull University.

During her adult years she continued to see people that others couldn't see and experience paranormal activities around her.

She was introduced to Medium training after she realized she had a gift through the passion of hers with Crystals. She decided to start training in 2009 as a Trance Medium at the SAGB in London (Spiritual Association of Great Britain) with Mercedes Garcia for a few years, for then taking some courses at the College of Psychic Studies in Kensington, London.

Only in more recent years, Daniela joined online the Arthur Conan Doyle centre in Edinburgh where she trained weekly, for 2 years, in the circle run by the Swedish medium Fredrik Huglund.

Meanwhile, she also trained for Platform Demonstration and 121 sittings with Tony Sockwell and took part to a number of workshop run by well known international Mediums

Daniela is now a working medium for Churches across the South-East of England and Online Spiritual Churches.

She has been coached to provide Evidential Mediumship, as all her training has been based on CSNU (Certificate holders of the SPIRITUALIST NATIONAL UNION award) approved tutors.

Mediumship, online & in person

Channeling evidential messages to make reliable connections to the Spirit world providing you with heart warming messages, bringing comfort and healing to you.

£40 per reading, 30 minutes

“Daniela has been a student of mine from the beginning of my online teaching. I have seen Daniela develop and strengthen her already strong connection to the spirit, It has been fantastic to follow her journey and she has never been afraid to challenge herself. I can recommend Daniela and she has a beautiful spiritual gift!”

-Fredrik Huglund