Harnessing the Power of Crystals for Manifestation

💛 A bit of food for thought this Friday on how to manifest goodness in our lives.

As many of you may be already aware, I am a Crystal Therapist, as well as an Evidential Medium and healer and my go to Spiritual tools have always been Crystals. Crystals can be powerful tools to enhance the practice of "Manifesting". Crystals such as Clear Quartz, Citrine, and Amethyst, for instance, have great properties to support the manifestation process. Setting Intention with your crystals by holding them during meditation or writing down your desires on a piece of paper placed with the crystals would be a good way to start. Creating a crystal grid for manifestation too, helped with your visualization on what you would love to "co-create" is the key.

If you are into crystals what are your rituals and success stories on manifestation? How do you think this has positively helped you? Remember the power of intention raises your vibrations to the Manifestation vibes etherically and belief in the power of crystals for manifestation is key too ... have a think at which crystals “call you” for the job!!

Happy Friday to you all ☺️❤️(✨️Words and picture by Daniela✨️)


Sacred Geometry and the Universe